Category: Uncategorized

Understanding Climate 101

To get an excellent grasp of what our current understanding of climate is, how it works, and where it is going spend 40 minutes watching this video. There is a semester of material in this presentation and you won’t have to read any difficult books.  Guaranteed to brighten your day.

Climate Perspectives That Clarify

When I hear the term “climate change” it generally comes from someone who uses it without having thought about the concept at all.  Ask them a simple question, “when has climate not changed?” They will be affronted by the question, because it points directly to the folly of the popular use of the term.  Climate […]

Wind, Solar Energy Now Killing 48% Of Priority Bird Species With ‘Population-Level Effects’

  “Of California’s 23 vulnerable bird species studied (barn owls, golden eagles, road runners, yellow-billed cuckoos…), scientists have found 11 are now experiencing at least a 20% decline in their population growth rates because wind turbines and solar panels are killing them and/or destroying their limited-range habitat. California’s mild-winter Mediterranean climate is home to some […]

How Many Eagles Deaths Are Too Many?

The current alternative energy oligarchs (Anshutz & Buffet to name only two) have been investing billions of dollars into wind and solar schemes that generate more tax credits for their portfolios than they can ever recoup with the alleged clean, green, and profitable energy they claim to desire. When these schemes are caught slaughtering eagles, […]

Why Wyoming Wind?

” …despite talk of wind energy being an energy source of the future, what it more nearly resembles is ranching of beef cattle which epitomizes an energy source of the past. Ranching beef cattle gathers a low density recurring resource (sunlight and rain) over enormous tracts of land as food energy, while wind energy gathers […]


For those who are not familiar with the history of  energy transitions over the past thousands of years, they will be doomed to repeat the current blunders being made by Europe, the UK, and America.  The Ukrainians, caught in the middle as they have been for more than a thousand years, will pay the highest […]

1,000 Year Old Forest About to Vanish

Another part of the “final climate solution” in Germany is about to happen. “About a year ago we reported on disturbing plans by the government of the German state of Hesse to clear 20 million square meters of 1000-year old “fairy tale” forest in one of Germany’s most idyllic, fairy tale-like forests: the Reinhardswald located in the hilly […]